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It’s All About the Contour: Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Whether you underwent bariatric surgery, hit the gym hard, or transformed your diet, reaching your target weight is exhilarating. But major weight loss can result in sagging skin or a loss in overall body tone and shape. While this is normal, it can be incredibly disappointing to work so hard and still be unsatisfied with how your body looks.

Just like makeup artists use contouring to tone and shape facial features, body contouring can help shape and tone your body and correct issues that have appeared after weight loss. The post-bariatric procedures offered at Piedmont Plastic Surgery address a variety of concerns to finally give you the body you’ve worked so hard for.


What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring refers to surgical procedures that are used to address cosmetic issues after major weight loss, primarily excess or sagging skin and fat. Body contouring also shapes and tones the underlying tissues, creating a better-proportioned overall body shape.

Large incisions are used to remove excess skin and fat. Depending on the patient and body type, some of these incisions may be extensive, running through large areas of the body. Body contouring is often done in stages and surgeons work with patients to develop a surgical plan that addresses all of their needs.

There is no real way to avoid visible scarring from body contouring surgery. However, the surgeons at Piedmont Plastic Surgery will try to find strategic locations to make scars less visible or easily hidden with clothing.

Candidates for Body Contouring

The best candidates for body contouring surgery are patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and now struggle with excess, sagging skin and extra fat in various areas of the body. It’s very common for these issues to occur after drastic weight loss. Ideally, candidates should have reached their target weight and been able to maintain it. Candidates who are committed to living healthy lifestyles are more likely to have an easier recovery and better overall results. Candidates should also have a realistic outlook on what to expect from body contouring, such as expecting some visible scarring to occur.


Body Contouring Procedures

The surgeons at Piedmont Plastic Surgery utilize several procedures for body contouring, including:

Facelift: Some patients who have lost a large amount of weight will find themselves with sagging or excess skin in the middle and lower face, as well as the neck. A facelift can be used to remove and tighten the excess tissue. A facelift will also improve fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging for a more youthful look.

Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation: A breast lift will raise and tighten sagging breast tissue to restore them to a higher position, leading to perkier, more youthful breasts. This can be combined with a breast augmentation, which uses implants to increase breast volume that is sometimes lost during major weight loss.

Tummy Tuck: The tummy tuck removes sagging skin and excess fat from the abdomen, leaving patients with a flatter, smoother tummy. It can be combined with liposuction for those areas of stubborn fat that exercise or diet can’t seem to get rid of. A tummy tuck can also repair loose or separated muscles in the abdomen.

Thigh Lift: This procedure removes excess skin and fat deposits from the thighs for smoother and more slender legs. Dr. Willard will typically use incisions discreetly hidden in the inner thigh for the best-looking results.

Arm Lift: A brachioplasty, or arm lift procedure, helps address the “bat wings” or sagging skin and fatty tissue that often develop along the upper arms and can be difficult to get rid of. An arm lift will remove the extra tissue and tighten skin for slender, youthful arms.

Recovery length depends on the patient and the number of procedures performed. Patients are typically able to return to work about two weeks after their body contouring surgery, but strenuous activity should be avoided for at least six weeks. More specific recovery instructions will be given once a surgical plan is made. Results are expected to be long-lasting.


Curious to find out what body contouring can do for you? Schedule a consultation at Piedmont Plastic Surgery by calling us at 336-886-1667.