Those who wish for smoother and more youthful skin without the need to undergo plastic surgery may benefit from microneedling. Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is a non-surgical procedure that treats visible signs of aging by rejuvenating the skin and creating a smooth and beautiful facial appearance.
Am I a Good Candidate for Microneedling?
Ideal candidates interested in microneedling must be in good health and wish to correct the following imperfections:
- Fine lines
- Wrinkles
- Acne scars
- Large pores
- Stretch marks
- Poor skin tone and texture
What Are My Treatment Options?
Microneedling can be performed using various techniques to treat the face, neckline, chest, arms, legs, abdomen, and back. Your procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis using a topical anesthetic and can take up to 30 minutes. The microneedling method used will be based on the condition of your skin, which will be examined during a consultation.
Microneedling With Platelet-Rich Plasma
Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used to release growth factors (stem cells) into the skin to expedite the body’s own repair process and stimulate new collagen and elastin. The stem cells in the plasma are what give you optimal results. Microneedling alone cannot provide the potential results of microneedling with PRP.
What Will the Recovery Be Like?
Because microneedling is performed on an outpatient basis, there is little to no downtime following your treatments. Your skin will appear pink or reddish after your session but this should resolve after a few days. Make sure you avoid direct sunlight until your skin has completely healed and use plenty of sunblock to protect your new contours.
What Results Can I Expect?
Your skin will immediately look brighter and smoother following your microneedling treatment. Results will continue to improve over six months. Depending on the condition of your skin, you may require multiple sessions to achieve the look you desire. Most microneedling treatments are spaced between four and six weeks apart, and three to five treatments may be recommended.